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104 produits trouvés
Le syndrome du gisant ; un subtil enfant de remplacement
Salomon Sellam
- éditions Bérangel
- 3612226297767
Nuestra primera muerte es biológica. Nuestro corazón se detiene. Nuestro cerebro entrega las armas. Nuestra alma emprende el viaje. Nuestros omóplatos se despliegan y retomamos el vuelo. Luego viene nuestra segunda muerte, más o menos rápidamente, en el momento en que ya nadie piensa en nosotros. La tumba ya no tiene flores, las malas hierbas invaden progresivamente nuestra "suite". Sola y durante largos años, grabada en el mármol, se queda nuestra identidad de inquilino terrestre: nuestro nombre, nuestro apellido, nuestra fecha de nacimiento y la de nuestra partida. A veces, antes de este olvido definitivo, las personas afectadas por nuestro fallecimiento demasiado prematuro o fuente de sufrimiento, Guardan nuestra memoria ayudados por una fecha, un nombre. Nuestra memoria, en espera, seguirá ligada a la tierra. Un día un niño nacerá. Tal vez sin saberlo, lleve parte de esa memoria... En tal caso, sin darnos cuenta, viviremos de nuevo, A través de su cuerpo, de su voz y de su pensamiento. Para el clan reconfortado el relevo está garantizado... Apoyándose en pruebas concluyentes, el Dr Sellam pone en evidencia la Dinámica Transgeneracional Automática de Reparación que se activa después de un drama familiar, como lo es una muerte prematura, inadmisible, injustificada e injustificable. Su onda de choque puede impactar varias generaciones y manifestarse en distintas patologías de carácter orgánico, funcional, conductual, o bien de orden psicológico y hasta psiquiátrico. Dr Salomon Sellam
ebook (ePub) 21.99 €20 prêts
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LCPBreu historia de les terres catalanes del nord
Alicia Marcet i juncosca
- Editions Trabucaire
- 3612225957518
Utilizant a la vegada els mètodes més científics de la recerca històrica, i els mètodes més moderns de la investigació geopolítica, l'autora ens dóna una visió de conjunt de la història de les terres catalanes del Nord, subratllant-ne tres grans moments :
- Els orígens
- De la integració a la separació (1172-1659)
- D' ença de l'annexió
Història d'une terres obertes a totes les invasions, capaçes d'arrelar les seves poblacions i desenvolupar intercanvis.
Història d'un poble capaç de patir els pitjors sofriments i de demostrar les més vitals aptituds a la resistència i a la recuperació col.lectives.
Història d'un país que ha sempre participat en els esdeveniments a nivell europeu - sent malauradament sovint al cor mateix dels conflictes - tot intentant mantenir la seva especificitat.
Un llibre que ens permet, com a catalans, de considerar el segle XXI amb confiança i orgull.ebook (ePub) 6.99 €20 prêts
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LCPLe sens cache des desordres amoureux
Salomon Sellam
- éditions Bérangel
- 3612226297781
La temática: los flechazos con o sin electricidad, los amores locos, las almas gemelas, la atracción, la repulsión, las separaciones, los divorcios, las relaciones más o menos tumultuosas, el adulterio, las dinámicas complementarias en la pareja, la disminución de la frecuencia de las relaciones sexuales. Éstos son los motivos de consulta que han permitido evidenciar la Psicología Transgeneracional. La Psicología Transgeneracional es un descubrimiento empírico fruto de la investigación clínica y ha sido confirmada por una multitud de casos, algunos de los cuales se describen en este libro. Esta nueva forma práctica de abordar la dinámica psicológica dentro de nosotros permite entender más fácilmente cómo funciona el inconsciente, haciéndolo accesible a todos, particulares y especialistas. Como ya ocurre, la Psicología Transgeneracional revolucionará la Psicología y la hará más asequible para el estudio de la transferencia/contratransferencia y los frecuentes desórdenes amorosos. En este libro, el autor propone un método sencillo y rápido aplicable a tu propia historia. Comparando simplemente los nombres y las fechas que figuran en el árbol genealógico, aparecerá el lugar inconsciente del niño (futuro adulto) dentro de su familia. Asimismo, se podrán localizar rápidamente las identificaciones parentales infantiles que subyacen a la creación del expediente de reconocimiento amoroso, esencial a la hora de encontrar pareja en el futuro. En muchos casos, un incesto simbólico se instala gradualmente dando lugar a una disminución, o incluso a una interrupción total de las relaciones afectivas y... sexuales, lo cual puede explicar ciertos desórdenes amorosos.
ebook (ePub) 21.99 €20 prêts
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LCPPatti smith outside
Claude Chastagner
- Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée
- 3612225585728
"Outside. Outside of society. That's where I want to be. If you're looking, that's where you'll find me." This is what Patti Smith sang back in 1978. Where is she in 2015? With all the fame and recognition. With thirteen original albums released, her poetry regularly reprinted, her paintings and photographs on show in galleries around the world, an induction in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a National Book Award for her first prose work, Just Kids. Is she still outside? Is she still the iconic, rebellious, rock'n'roll figure of her youth? Patti Smith has lived a rock'n'roll life, a life of words and sounds, of poetry and images. She has slept on doorsteps, on park benches. But perhaps she never meant to be outside. Perhaps she did not want to be a rebel. Perhaps being outside is only a price she had to pay.
These are the issues addressed in this collection of essays, not from a historical or sociological angle, but through her artistry. An attempt at locating Patti Smith by assessing her trajectory, her complex, unpredictable moves. "Oh I just move in another dimension," she sings on "Ain't It Strange", before inviting us to come and join her. We have tried and followed her.ebook (ePub) 6.99 €20 prêts
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LCPEuropean Correspondence
- Presses Universitaires de Louvain - Ciaco
- 3612225410327
The crisis faced by the European project today is above all a crisis of meaning. After the disappearance of the narratives about peace and prosperity, the reason for Europe is now the one given by millions of Europeans. Together we must therefore explore a Europe whose institutions are a means but not an end, remain open to discovery, attentive to stories and critical of common ideas.
This six-month journey is dotted with eleven stops, eleven letters from eleven cities in nine European countries, from Russia to Sweden, Portugal to Bulgaria. They give rise to eleven debates on major issues such as defence, youth, the wounds of the past and solidarity, all of which are explored via the stories of dozens of Europeans met along the way.ebook (ePub) 11.99 €20 prêts
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LCPAnother life / une autre vie
Joseph-Vilain M.
- Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée
- Horizons anglophones - Série PoCoPages
- 3612225767940
Many writers started their professional lives in very diverse fields before embracing writing, or on the contrary have turned away from writing. The present volume seeks to explore the complex relationship between that `other life' and writing. The aim is to determine whether a writer's `other life' appears in, influences or even shapes his/her work, and to what extent. What is the part of gestation and that of rupture? A diversity of writers is examined: Patrick Chamoiseau, J. M. Coetzee, Jan J. Dominique, Janet Frame, Amitav Ghosh, L. K. Johnson, Wilson Harris, Dany Laferrière, Yannick Lahens, NourbeSe Philip, Emmelie Prophète, Arundhati Roy, Edward Said, but also Bartolomé de las Casas and E. L. Grant Watson. Unpublished autobiographical essays and a poem are included, especially written for the volume by Marie-Célie Agnant, Cyril Dabydeen and Fred D'Aguiar.
ebook (ePub) 11.99 €20 prêts
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LCPUSA, China and Europe : alternative visions of a changing world
Mario Telò
- Académie royale de Belgique
- 3612226144337
Outstanding specialists of International relations and prominent personalities provide in depth pluralist analyses of the current alternative visions and main geopolitical trends within a heterogeneous world; a world made even more uncertain following the pandemic. Europe is a player, not a playing field. Therefore, the red thread of this multidisciplinary research is: how to combine its values with its own language of power.
Contributions by:
D. Viviers, M. Telò, J. Ikenberry, Qin Y., M. Zürn, M. Calmy-Rey, F. Mogherini, R. Tombs, A. Gamble, M. R. Djalili, P. Goldschmidt, A. A. Yusuf, N. Schrijverebook (ePub) 5.99 €20 prêts
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LCPRevue internationale de philosophie 2021/3
- Revues De Boeck Supérieur
- 3612226259161
La Revue Internationale de Philosophie a été fondée en 1938 avec, entre autres, le soutien de Karl Popper et de Bertrand Russell. Elle a été dirigée par Chaïm Perelman jusqu'à sa mort, en 1984, et elle est depuis lors, entre les mains de Michel Meyer.
Le but de la Revue n'est pas seulement de célébrer par des numéros spéciaux les dates anniversaires des grands philosophes et de leurs oeuvres, mais aussi de traiter de tous les thèmes qui retiennent l'attention de la philosophie: la violence, la religion, le théâtre, le roman, l'histoire, la politique, la bioéthique, la logique, l'épistémologie, la rationalité, le cinéma ou en général, l'esthétique, parmi d'autres sujets.
Les plus grands philosophes contemporains ont été honorés par la Revue, et y ont même souvent contribué, de Popper à Foucault et à Sartre, de Carnap à Derrida, de Bourdieu à Putnam et à Dworkin, de Gadamer à Rawls, Habermas ou Searle.
Ainsi, la Revue Internationale de Philosophie publie chaque fois des volumes qui traitent des sujets ou des auteurs différents, en plusieurs langues le plus souvent, mais surtout en français et en anglais. Les auteurs sont invités par une personnalité marquante du domaine traité, qui a la responsabilité du volume.ebook (ePub) 26.99 €20 prêts
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LCPTell me about the United nations
Jean-jacques Chevron
- NANE Editions
- 3612226045313
The united Nations exercice a worldwide responsability and, yet, too often is little known by the general public. When and why was the United Nations founded ? What are its ideals, its goals and the means at its disposal for reaching them ? What is its structure ? How does it function ? What are the problems it faces day-to-day and in the long term ?
How can the men and women who head the organization and work for it, set aside the conflicts their own countries are involved in and devote their energies to the realization of mankind's loftiest goals: the establishment of a just and lasting peace for all in the world ?ebook (ePub) 6.99 €20 prêts
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LCPOECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2009
- 3612225181852
This 15th edition of the Agricultural Outlook edition presents the outlook for commodity markets during the 2009 to 2018 period, and analyses world market trends for the main agricultural products, as well as biofuels. It provides an assessment of agricultural market prospects for production, consumption, trade, stocks and prices of the included commodities.
This edition of the Outlook was prepared in a period of unprecedented financial market turmoil and rapidly deteriorating global economic prospects. Because macroeconomic conditions are changing so quickly, this report complements the standard baseline projections with an analysis of revised short-term GDP prospects and alternative GDP recovery paths. Lower GDP scenarios result in lower commodity prices, with reductions in crop and biofuel prices about one-half those for livestock products. A sensitivity analysis to highly uncertain crude oil prices shows the important links between energy and agricultural prices. The Outlook also reports on a survey of various actors in the agri-food chain in terms of the current impacts of the global economic crisis and credit market constraints.
The issue of food security and the capacity of the agricultural sector to meet the rising demand for food remains very high on the international political agenda. This report provides a brief overview of critical factors such as land availability, productivity gains, water usage and climate change, and suggests that agricultural production could be significantly increased, provided there is sufficient investment in research, infrastructure and technological change, particularly in developing countries.ebook (ePub) 28.99 €20 prêts
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LCPIl poeta e il suo pubblico. lettura e commento dei testi litrici nel cinquecento (ginevra- 2008)
- Librairie Droz
- 3612226225340
Ce volume réunit les actes d'un colloque international sur les commentaires des textes poétiques durant la Renaissance, tenu à Genève en mai 2008 sous les auspices de la Faculté des Lettres et de la "Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance". Si une vingtaine d'auteurs, issus de diverses traditions académiques et culturelles, ont jugé utile de s'interroger sur les modalités et les contenus d'une telle pratique à cette époque, c'est que le thème de la lecture comme "construction du sens", privilégié par les contributeurs, demandait encore à être approfondi. Comment lisait-on à la Renaissance ? Que recherchait-on dans les textes de poésie, sous quelles formes étaient-ils restitués ? Quel rapport peut-on entrevoir entre le poète et son lecteur, quel pacte intellectuel relie la poésie à son public ? Ou encore, pour suivre le grand lecteur que fut Pétrarque, quels chemins mènent au plaisir que toute lecture semble promettre ? Lector, intende, letaberis (« lecteur, comprends et tu éprouveras du plaisir »), recommandait Pétrarque sur les traces d'Apulée au début de ses Lettres familières. Cette invitation, qui résonne comme un impératif moral, s'adresse encore à nous.
Questo libro riunisce gli Atti del Convegno internazionale sul commento al testo poetico nel Rinascimento, svoltosi nel maggio 2008 sotto gli auspici dell'Unità di Italiano dell'Università di Ginevra e della "Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance". Una ventina di studiosi, provenienti da orizzonti e tradizioni diversi, si sono interrogati su modalità e contenuti della 'lettura', una pratica il cui interesse appare, anche dopo i numerosi studi e convegni che le sono stati dedicati, lungi dall'essere esaurito. Sono qui affrontate forme diverse di 'accesso' al testo poetico, come il commento (nella sua varia morfologia), la lezione accademica, la glossa (d'autore o editoriale), gli apparati paratestuali o altri modi della fortuna critica e letteraria, tenute insieme tuttavia da una idea comune di 'lettura' come "costruzione di senso". Come leggevano gli uomini e le donne del Rinascimento? Cosa cercavano nei testi di poesia e in quali forme ne restituivano la comprensione ? Quali rapporti univano il lettore al suo testo, quale patto intellettuale legava la poesia al suo pubblico? O ancora, pensando a quel gran lettore che fu Petrarca: quali le vie che portano al piacere del testo, che ogni lettura sembra sottintendere ? "Lector, intende, letaberis" raccomanda Petrarca all'inizio delle sue Familiares, sulla scorta di Apuleio ("lettore, capisci, e proverai piacere"): e l'invito ancora suona come un imperativo morale per il lettore moderno di poesia.ebook (ePub) 64.99 €20 prêts
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LCPItf roundtable report 149 improving the practice of transport project appraisal
- 3612225184204
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is indispensable for making good decisions on what transport projects to fund. It essentially aims to figure out which projects offer the best value for money. However, the practical relevance of CBA does not always live up to its appeal in principle. One problem is that there is sometimes disagreement over what to include in CBA, both on the cost side and the benefits side of the analysis. As a result, value for money is not always fully transparent. More politically, value for money is only a partial criterion for decision-making, leading to disagreement about the relative importance of the results from CBA compared to other inputs to the decision-making process.
This report examines the extent to which these shortcomings can be addressed. In terms of what to include in CBA, discussion focuses on equity and distributional impacts, productivity effects, agglomeration benefits and external costs. The focus then turns to how best to present guidance on project selection to decision makers. The report includes papers on the way CBA is used in three countries - France, Mexico and the United Kingdom - and how it is evolving in response to changing policy priorities.ebook (ePub) 24.99 €20 prêts
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LCPReforming geneva : discipline, faith and anger in calvin's geneva. with thomas a. lambert
Robert M. Kingdon
- Librairie Droz
- 3612225456554
The Calvinist Reformation is characterized above all by a focus on church discipline enforced by church courts known as consistories. The Geneva consistory served as the model and mother institution throughout the Calvinist world. In this book, Robert M. Kingdon surveys the theoretical underpinnings of the Calvinist emphasis on discipline and how theory was put into practice by John Calvin in Reformation Geneva. Professor Kingdon looks in turn at how the Geneva consistory and the pastors and councilors who staffed it reformed religious practice, religious education and marriage practices. Finally, Robert M. Kingdon uses the emotion of hatred as a lens to examine how Calvin and his colleagues attempted to reform emotions. He delves into the way in which Calvin and his colleagues employed the consistory to attenuate interpersonal hatred, while employing propaganda to whip up interconfessional hatred.
ebook (ePub) 19.99 €20 prêts
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LCPSector specific sources of competitiveness in the Western Balkans ; recommandation for a regional investment strategy
- 3612225181067
The Western Balkan region benefits from a cost-competitive labour force and geographic and cultural proximity to EU markets. However, cost competitiveness as a source of differentiation is not sustainable. Cost levels are increasing gradually in some sectors, reducing firms' profitability. In order to sustain competitiveness, the Western Balkans needs to move up the value chain, from investing in automated technology to producing higher-quality goods and enhancing its human capital. This report examines the apparel manufacturing, automotive components and business process and technology outsourcing sectors, focusing on market competitiveness factors, industry key success factors and policy recommendations.
ebook (ePub) 25.99 €20 prêts
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LCPMobility in history. the state of the art in the history of transport , traffic and mobility
Pirie Go Mom Gijs
- Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses
- 3612226259840
For decades scholars in diverse fields have examined problems in the history of mobility. Their diversity was their strength but also their limitation, as disciplinary boundaries impeded the exchange of ideas that lets scholarship flourish. Since 2003 the International Association for the History of Traffic, Transport and Mobility (T2M) has served as a free-trade zone, fostering a new interdisciplinary vitality in a now-flourishing field. Now, with the publication of its first yearbook, T2M has surveyed these gains in the form of a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of research in the field. Here, twenty-seven scholars in the history of mobility, from sixteen countries and five continents, present synopses of recent research. Besides reviews of research in thirteen countries, contributions also include thematic reviews relating mobility to the environment, automobile fetishism, race, gender, and other transnational themes. All in all, more than sixty scholars within and beyond T2M cooperated in this project, making it a truly collective work.
ebook (ePub) 23.99 €20 prêts
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LCPDoing better for children (anglais)
- 3612225181340
Drawing on a wide range of data sources, this publication constructs and analyses different indicators of child well-being across the OECD. These indicators cover six key areas: material well-being; housing and environment; education; health and safety; risk behaviours; and quality of school life. They show that no one OECD country performs well in all areas and that every OECD country can do more to improve children's lives.
How much countries are spending on children and when is also closely considered, the first time such a comparative exercise has been undertaken across the OECD. Additional chapters offer detailed examinations of countries' policies for children under age three, the impact of single parenthood on children and the effect of inequalities across generations. The publication concludes with broad policy recommendations for improving child well-being.ebook (ePub) 17.99 €20 prêts
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LCPLorsque l'esprit influence le corps ; pancréas ; diabète et cancer
Salomon Sellam
- éditions Bérangel
- 3612226297798
Dedicado a las patologías pancreáticas, este volumen presenta la versión psicosomática de las dos principales patologías del páncreas: la diabetes y el cáncer. En la primera parte, se detallan las pistas psicosomáticas más frecuentes así como los significados básicos. En la segunda parte, se exponen nuevas pistas tanto prácticas como teórica s evidenciadas gracias a las investigaciones clínicas del Dr Salomon Sellam. Sin replantear toda la fisiopatología correspondi ente, el Dr Sellam abre nuevas vías de exploración en este tipo de patología. Se plantean aquí dos preguntas fundamentales: ¿Y si la diabetes fuera algo más que una simple problemática de azúcar e insulina? ¿Cómo explicar la virulencia del cáncer de páncreas? En cualquier caso, la conclusión puede resumirse con el siguiente lema.:La paz de las células se alcanza mediante la paz mental. Y la paz mental se alcanza mediante la serenidad interior.
ebook (ePub) 13.99 €20 prêts
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LCPOecd territorial reviews : nora region 2011 ; the Faroe islands, Greenland, Iceland and Coastal Norway
- 3612225183801
The North Atlantic (NORA) region is a transnational area comprising the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, and the coastal counties of Norway. These territories are linked by shared characteristics and challenges, as well as by historical, institutional and cultural links. Improving accessibility to the region, ensuring sustainable development of its fisheries, enlarging and diversifying its economic base, and meeting the challenges of climate change are key issues. Strengthened regional co-operation can help these territories address them by exchanging know-how and best practices, pooling resources and reaching economies of scale, improving the efficiency of public sector provision, and increasing the "voice" of the region.
However, transnational co-operation in the NORA region faces some barriers, as it involves territories that compete in their main economic activities, are separated by large distances, and have strong institutional and economic links with other countries and regions. In order to get the most from transnational co-operation, this report recommends that the NORA territories: focus co-operation efforts on targeted themes and issues; draw up a regional development strategy; promote greater awareness of the benefits of co-operation; develop a "variable geometry" approach to regional co-operation; and enlarge and refine the role of the NORA institution as a facilitator of co-operation.ebook (ePub) 22.99 €20 prêts
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LCPBrazil 2009 - oecd economic surveys
- 3612225180763
OECD's periodic survey of Brazil's economy. This 2009 edition features chapters on looking beyond the economic crisis, reaping the benefits of macroeconomic consolidation, reforming indirect taxes and labour levies, and making government operations more effective.
ebook (ePub) 31.99 €20 prêts
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LCPCorporate governance in Slovenia 2011
- 3612225183825
This Review of Corporate Governance in Slovenia describes the corporate governance setting including the structure and ownership concentration of listed companies and the structure and operation of the state-owned sector. The Review then examines the legal and regulatory framework and company practices to assess the degree to which the recommendations of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have been implemented.
ebook (ePub) 13.99 €20 prêts
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LCPExploraciones político-psicológicas Tome 1
Etienne Mullet, Claudia Pineda Marín, Joana Neto
- 3612226219158
¿Cómo conceptualizan los ciudadanos de los diferentes países los Derechos Humanos? ¿Qué tan aceptables son las amnistías políticas de las que se benefician los perpetradores de la violencia? ¿Los descendientes de los autores de la violencia heredan la culpa de sus padres? ¿Puede un Estado, una vez liberado, perdonar a otro Estado invasor? ¿Son legítimas las intervenciones militares-humanitarias? ¿Qué política de reparación debería seguir un antiguo Estado esclavista? ¿Qué evaluación se puede hacer de un proceso de colonización?
En este primer volumen, no encontrará respuestas definitivas a estas preguntas. Sólo encontrará un relato detallado de lo que piensan las mujeres y los hombres que, según la cuestión de que se trate, viven en Angola, Benín, Colombia, Francia continental y Martinica, Mozambique, Portugal, Rwanda, Timor, Togo y Venezuela sobre estas complejas cuestiones.ebook (ePub) 12.99 €20 prêts
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LCPCorporate governance in Israel 2011
- 3612225183818
The Review of Corporate Governance in Israel was prepared as part of the process of Israel's accession to OECD Membership. The report describes the corporate governance setting including the structure and ownership concentration of listed companies and the structure and operation of the state-owned sector. The Review then examines the legal and regulatory framework and company practices to assess the degree to which the recommendations of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have been implemented.
ebook (ePub) 13.99 €20 prêts
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LCPThe call for innovative and open governement
- 3612225184112
This report presents an overview of country initiatives concerning efficient, effective public services and open and innovative government. It focuses on four core issues: delivery of public services in times of fiscal consolidation; a more effective and performance-oriented public service; promotion of open and transparent government; and strategies for implementation of a reform agenda. These issues were discussed at the OECD Public Governance Ministerial Meeting held in Venice, Italy, in November 2010, hosted by the Italian Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation.
ebook (ePub) 44.99 €20 prêts
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LCPGlobal forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes peer reviews : Canada 2011
- 3612225184181
The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 90 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.
The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.
The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. "Fishing expeditions" are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.
All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction's legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined - Phase 1 plus Phase 2 - reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
All review reports are published once approved by the Global Forum and they thus represent agreed Global Forum reports.
For more information on the work of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, and for copies of the published review reports, please visit (ePub) 20.99 €20 prêts
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